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What we do

We investigate how interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity are practiced, supported, and funded to improve their responsiveness in addressing societal challenges. Who participates in interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary research? Why? With which constraints and which impact? These are some of the questions our group addresses in different research projects. Our goal is not only to advance knowledge production on these topics, but also to inform the policy and funding sectors.

Our group works at the interface between Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Cultural Studies of Science. We apply a cultural approach as a mode of inquiry and draw concepts and methods from a range of disciplines.

We are involved in courses at the Department for Environmental Systems Sciences and we supervise Bachelor and Master theses of students interested in the science-policy interface, the methodological development of inter- and transdisciplinary research or cultural aspects of science practices.

Registration and calls for contribution open

Social Science and Humanities Energy Research Workshop

SSH Energy Workshop flier


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