
Co-Evolution and Coordinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society (CoSi)


CoSi logo

The CSTS Group is part of the CoSi consortium external page "Co-Evolution and Coordinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society", funded by the SWEET programme of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy. A major CSTS task includes organising the annual SSH Energy workshop, where we bring together a community pf practice of SSH Energy researchers. 

The Swiss federal government established the funding program external page SWEET (SWiss Energy research for the Energy Transition) to help Switzerland achieve its climate goals and successfully implement its Energy Strategy 2050. The University of Basel will lead a research consortium to investigate interactions between society and the energy system.

More than a dozen higher education and research institutions are members of the consortium. It brings together researchers in the natural sciences, engineering, business and economics, the social sciences and the humanities with the goal of maintaining active exchange between researchers and stakeholders.

SSH Energy 2024 Community Forum
SSH Energy 2024 Community Forum 

The project will extend models and simulation-based assessments to account for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) research of the energy systems to conduct a successful energy transition in Switzerland. The project will bridge the different energy research communities and establish a continuous exchange between researchers and stakeholders. It will also test new approaches to harmonize scenarios and narratives, and provide an inte-gration toolbox for SSH research.

The CSTS Group will contribute to tasks in two work packages within the consortium namely, WP2: Integration and Development and WP3: Exchange and Cocreation.  

Doctoral, Masters and Bachelors Theses


See full profiles of team members 


web site of sweet project

CoSi is a research project sponsored by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy’s “SWEET” programme (Call 1-2022), start date June 2022.