FAIR Data Practices for Qualitative Research in Transdisciplinarity


While ORD practices become increasingly widespread, one area that remains a challenge is qualitative data. On the one hand, qualitative data is more difficult to process and make available in open practices. On the other, ethical norms in research practice require confidentiality of research subjects. Yet interview transcripts, workshops or other kinds of qualitative data are difficult or sometimes impossible to anonymize. This challenge comes to the fore when conducting transdisciplinary (Td) research, where new forms of engagement between science and society co-produce problem framings and project outputs. In this context, the FAIRQual project asks increasingly important questions of who processes and stores data. Td research makes frequent use of qualitative methods, especially interviews and workshops. Sharing of this data could allow for improved learning between Td processes and increase engagement between science and society. How might this data be shared according to FAIR principles? What are appropriate protocols for determining what data to share and how to navigate the ethical issues of research participant protection and the benefits of sharing qualitative data? In this project we will prototype tools for FAIR qualitative data within Td research projects, develop standards and guidelines for other Td researchers and build a dialogue and community of practice within the Td research community around FAIR practices for qualitative data.

Core Project Team

Dr Mollie Chapman (TdLab, ETH Zurich), Dr Franziska Mohr (TdLab, ETH Zurich), Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Tilly (Global Health Engineering Group, ETH Zurich), Lars Schöbitz (Global Health Engineering Group, ETH Zurich)


ETH Domain Open Research Data Program - Measure 1 "Explore Projects".

Funding period: 10/2024 - 10/2025). 

ETH Domain