Open Positions

Postdoc: 100% fixed-term for 1 year, start date Oct/Nov 2024

The FAIRQual project at the Transdisciplinarity Lab (TdLab, Department of Environmental Systems Science) is looking for a one-year postdoctoral researcher to drive forward a project examining when, if and how to share qualitative data from transdisciplinary research projects. The position will start in October or November 2024, in order to attend the external page ITD Conference in Utrecht for which we are planning a workshop as part of the project. Other starting dates can also be negotiated.  

Bachelor and Master thesis

If you are interested in writing a Bachelor or Master thesis at the CSTS group, please read more about possible topics here.

Master students

We are looking for motivated Master students to join our group. If you are interested in our research, please contact Bianca Vienni Baptista (E-mail).

Doctoral or Postdoctoral positions

If you are interested in a doctoral or postdoctoral position in our group, please contact Bianca Vienni Baptista (E-mail) with your CV and a brief description of your research interests. Contact us several months in advance to explore together possible funding sources.