End of the year cleaning at the Transdisciplinarity Lab

With the end of the year approaching, the Cultural Studies of Science group participated in the annual tradition of the Transdisciplinarity Lab: The TdLab cleaning session!

Members of the TdLab cleaning the shared meeting and break room.

Once a year, all the Lab members come together to collaboratively give our offices and meeting room a thorough cleaning. This year-​end tradition brings together all the members of the TdLab from the first-​year PhD student to the co-​directors of the Lab - much like how the TdLab brings together researchers from different disciplines and fields. Our research group is part of the TdLab and is involved in its teaching activities of the Lab. We strongly connect to its research ethos of reflectivity and openness to different ways of knowing and researching.

The Cultural Studies of Science group wishes everyone happy holidays and all the best for the New Year!