Definitive admission of the CSTS doctoral candidates

We are happy to announce that Anne-​Sophie Schaltegger and Lisa Brombach have both passed their aptitude colloquium at the end of January 2023. They are now definitively admitted to the doctorate at ETH Zurich and will pursue their doctorate as part of the INTERSECTIONS project.

Anne-​Sophie’s thesis focuses on values in inter-​ and transdisciplinary scientific knowledge production processes and has the preliminary title "Underlying values in collaborative research practices and their evaluation – an empirical inquiry into resulting connections and disconnections". On the one hand, Anne-​Sophie looks at how values influence and motivate the way researchers collaborate and which values are part of their practice. On the other hand, she will explore the evaluation processes for inter-​ and transdisciplinary research and what values are promoted through chosen processes, indicators and criteria. These aspects will jointly lead to a better understanding of how potential differences between these two value systems affect inter-​ and transdisciplinary research’s potential for success.

Lisa investigates the relationship between interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and the policy space in Switzerland. She will analyse the development of science policy intended to support inter-​ and transdisciplinary research. Lisa will also look at the science-​policy interface and investigate where and how the knowledge between the two realms is exchanged. The thesis has the preliminary title "An inquiry into the science-​policy interface for inter-​ and transdisciplinarity in the Swiss Federal Administration".