CoSi kick-off meeting
At the end of June, CSTS attended the kick-off meeting of an exciting new project we are part of, called Co-Evolution and Coordinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society (CoSi). The day at the University of Basel was filled with getting to know the project partners and listening to interesting presentations by the various work packages, giving the project consortium an exciting sneak-peak of the collaborations that are to come.

CoSi is a external page SWEET (SWiss Energy research for the Energy Transition) project with 25 partners aiming at extending model and simulation-based assessments in energy systems to account for SSH research and the co-evolution of systems and society to answer how Switzerland can conduct a successful energy transition. The project is due to run for 10 years and CSTS is working on two of the seven work packages (WP). In WP2 we will work on integrating Social Sciences and Humanities into transdisciplinary research. Secondly, as part of WP3, CSTS will host a series of workshops to foster integration within the consortium and usability of outputs.
Here you can read more about the CoSi project. We also look forward to welcoming a doctoral student to the CoSi team in August. Watch this space!