New team member joins the CSTS group

CSTS welcomes a new doctoral student, Helena Winiger, who will be working on the Intersections project. Read more about Helena and her interests in this port.

Enlarged view: Portrait photo of Helena

I am joining the Cultural Studies of Science and Technology (CSTS) group at ETH’s TdLab as a doctoral student. Here, I am analyzing the role of norms in science, technology, and society with a focus on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary contexts. My dissertation is embedded in the INTERSECTIONS project, which aims at broader integration and impact of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in science and technology to address complex scientific and societal challenges.

I am interested in norms within cultures, practices, and innovation in technology domains such as AI. An in-depth understanding of such norms can support the foundation for inclusive governance mechanisms in R&D and standardization processes of emerging technologies. To investigate relevant norms and their translation into innovation, I will conduct fieldwork at research centres involving i.e., developing or using emerging technologies.

In my master's degree, I studied philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin and, as part of the Berlin University Alliance, at Charité. I hold a bachelor's degree in philosophy and German philology from the University of Augsburg. In my studies, I specialized in the intersection of philosophy of science, cognitive science, and AI ethics. Outside of university, I worked as a project officer on research and policy consulting on open source hardware as part of an EC-funded consortium at OpenForum Europe. At the think tank Stiftung Neue Verantwortung Berlin, I was involved in policy projects on AI governance and the geopolitics of technology as a student.