CoSi's inagural General Assembly

On January 23rd, the inaugural General Assembly of the Co-Evolution and Coordinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society (CoSi) research project took place in Bern. We were happy to be part of the organising team with our role in the transdisciplinary focused work package 3.  

CSTS member, Konstanty at the CoSi General Assembly

On January 23rd, the inaugural General Assembly of the Co-Evolution and Coordinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society (CoSi) research project took place in Bern. We were happy to be part of the organizing team with our role in the transdisciplinary focused work package 3. The CSTS group was represented by it's lead, Bianca, accompanied by Stephanie and Konstanty, where the topic of the day was none other than collaboration!

The assembly, comprising of both workshops and information panels, provided an excellent opportunity for members to network, share ideas, and discuss ongoing and future collaborations. We focused specifically on collaboration. Following the welcoming remarks, Dr. Yann Blumer from ZHAW initiated the plenary session of the workshop, allowing participants to engage in bilateral discussions and learn about each other's scientific backgrounds and perspectives. This was followed by presentations from other Swiss Energy research consortia (SWEET) to enrich the dialogue

The second part of the workshop was conducted in a World-Café format, where Stephanie and Konstanty moderated two of the tables. Topics included CoSi stakeholders, interdisciplinary collaboration, impacts of CoSi, use cases, challenges & risks, and starting points for future seminars.

Following the workshop, Prof. Dr. Hannes Weigt, the CoSi coordinator from Uni Basel, presented a roadmap for the year 2024 and provided updates on administrative matters. The final segment of the Assembly involved exchanges within Work Package teams, fostering further collaboration and understanding among participants.

By Konstanty Ramotowski