Save the Date: Social Science and Humanities Energy Research Workshop
17-18 June 2024

Since 2022, three successful Swiss Social Science and Humanities Energy Research Workshops (SSH Energy) have taken place, culminating in a book and a research article, sharing thoughts on the importance of centering SSH in research on the energy transition.
The 4th SSH Energy, which is scheduled to take place on June 17th and 18th, 2024, welcomes the new SWEET consortium CoSi on board. With that, this year’s workshop focuses specifically on the role of SSH in energy modelling. The workshop is an opportunity for researchers, practitioners and policymakers to share their perspectives and insights on the societal implications, discourses, and transformation processes required to transition to a more sustainable energy system. The workshop will also provide a timely opportunity to discuss the implications of the federal vote on the Federal Act for secure energy supply with renewable energy („Mantelerlass“).
We look forward to welcoming all scholars within and beyond social sciences, humanities, and inter- and transdisciplinary research but also practitioners and policymakers willing to engage in these discussions. Early career researchers are especially welcome to participate!
The workshop will take place in ETH Zurich central campus.
If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please contact: Dr. Stephanie Briers ( or PD Dr. Bianca Vienni-Baptista (